Dedicated to Ground Handling in Flight Simulation
地方空港 Regional Airports東北地方 Tōhoku

秋田空港 Akita Airport (RJSK)

東北地方 Tōhoku

This article contains some of the author’s own research and speculations.

プッシュバック Pushback

概要 Overview

Please refer to the map below.

凡例 Legend

ショートプッシュバック Short Pushback


Short pushbacks at Akita Airport allow propeller aircraft to self-taxi out.
The scheme involves straightforwardly pushing the aircraft a small distance, and the aircraft shall turn left/right and follow the yellow dotted line to taxi out.


Pilots shall explicitly request “short pushback” in ATC communication when needed and request taxi after pushback and engine startup is completed.

Please refer to the videos for the short pushback stop location.

Spot 3

Spot 5

ノーマルプッシュバック Normal Pushback

通常のプッシュバックは、中型機と767(近隣の航空機が中型機や767の場合)に適用されます。その他の大型機については、To taxiway/long pushbackをご利用ください。
このプッシュバックの ATCにおける表現は「プッシュバック」となります。


Akita’s normal pushback is, in fact, a “pushback within the apron,” where the aircraft stops within the apron.
The normal pushback applies to medium aircraft and 767 (and when neighboring aircraft is also medium aircraft and 767); otherwise, please use “to taxiway” (long) pushbacks.
The ATC phraseology for this type is “pushback.”

Please use the line drawn above as the stop location reference line, which is slightly south of the physical white dotted line on the apron.

例 Example:

自走出発 Self Taxi Out

Spot 1 is available for direct taxi out as it is for propeller aircraft only. No pushback is available for this spot.

交信 Communication

Please report your spot when you request pushback/taxi.

交信例 Communication Example

グランドハンドリング業者/スポット情報 Ground Handling Operators and Spot Information

The ramp handling operators shown below are based on the GSX operator list; they may not reflect the actual ramp handling company.

航空会社 Airlineランプハンドリング Ramp Handlingスポット Spot備考 Notes
JALJAL2, 3, 6なし
ANAANA3, 5, 6なし
ORCANA3, 5, 6なし

GSX Pro Profile


プロファイル名 Profile Name: rjsk-fssa.ini/.py
シーナリー作者 Scenery Creator: FSSA
バージョン Version: 1.3

シーナリー Scenery Download

FSシーナリー工房 - 秋田空港 for MSFS2020

プロファイル Profile Download

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